Sunday, October 31, 2021

Costume Party

Halloween Parade and Party
Thank you to Ms. Andrea for putting this video together.


Saturday, October 23, 2021

Language development in a Primary Classroom

Montessori Language materials are designed primarily to teach children the intricacies of written and spoken language. A firm grasp of writing and speaking will allow students to progress with their learning. Students use language materials to explore letters, sounds, handwriting and eventually spelling, reading and writing.

Finding the Match

Object to Picture Match

Introduction to Letter Sounds - Match object/ picture to Initial Letter Sound

Practice Writing

What is Different?

Picture to Word match

Match Sentence to object or picture

Moveable Alphabet prepares children for spelling, reading and writing. 
The child's use of the materials progresses from single words, to phrases and eventually to stories. 
Picture to Word match
Word Families
Singular - Plural
Compound Words
ABC - Order
 Story Writing
Sequencing a Story