Friday, January 28, 2022

Week in Action - January 29

 Ms. Andrea and Ms. Cristina's class took a closer look at Russia. They discussed the clothing, the flag and the language. In science they continued the study about reptiles and dinosaur. They took a closer look at Triceratops and Brachiosaurus.They measured them, researched when and where they lived, what they looked like, and what they ate.

Ms. Sarita and Ms. Kathy's class took a journey to Italy and explored some of the things that came from Italy. In Science they compared beaks, feathers and nests of various birds. They also looked into different types of owls and the life cycle of a chicken.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Week in Action - January 22

 Ms. Andrea and Ms. Cristina's class reviewed and practised lessons from last week.

Ms. Sarita and Ms. Kathy's Class reviewed their study of Europe and animals of Europe. 
In science they discussed about Macaws, Robins and Raptors.
 Also this week, Ms. Lisa introduced an Owl Art to the students