Monday, February 28, 2022

Celebrating Montessori Week - Community

Community - Working together towards a common goal

Our students had a community experience with Mr. Jonathan our Music Teacher and Ms. Jessica our Librarian.

“We shall walk together on this path of life, for all things are part of the universe and are connected with each other to form one whole unity.” ― Maria Montessori

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Week in Action - February 26

Ms.Sarita and Ms. Kathy's class started their study on Arachnids. Students were busy exploring different types of Arachnids and they took the exploration to the playground. 
The class has also been growing caterpillars and tracking their growth each day. 
In Cultural study they were introduced to the culture and tradition of Thailand. Elephants have become the all time favorite and the students are busy working on elephant art! 

In Ms. Kim and Ms. Naomi's class the students learned about India. They talked about food clothing and climate of India. The children practiced their Henna art and cut and folded and Asian elephant. 
They talked about money and who is on our money - this is always a favorite work. 
Over the last month they have also been talking about parts of a bulb and watched it grow and bloom. 
This week they dissected one of the flowers and labeled its parts. 
The children were fascinated to see the pollen up close!!

Ms. Andrea and Ms. Cristina's class finished their study of Australia and started the study of land and water forms. They also have been observing a flower bud growing in their classroom. In the coming weeks they will be dissecting the flower and naming the parts.