Ms. Andrea and Ms. Cristina's class started their study of South America. In the coming weeks they will take a closer look at South America and learn about the culture, landmarks, animals and more! They also started their study of mammals and characteristics of mammals. They had lessons on " seed to plant" and the parts of a plant.
Ms. Sarita and Ms. Kathy's class is monitoring the caterpillars growing and the students are very excited as these caterpillars are getting pretty close to making their chrysalis!! They too started their study of "seed to plant" , characteristics of a plant, parts of a plant and compared different plants and their seeds. In the cultural study they were introduced to "Animals of Asia" and the Indian elephant was everyone's favorite. This lesson led to Elmer the patchwork elephant project. Also this week the class received a presentation on Japan and experienced clothing and artifacts from Japan.
Ms. Kim and Ms. Naomi's class introduced the country of Kenya. They explored its land, food, animals and language. The children enjoyed learning how to say Hello "Jambo" and Good-bye "Kwaheri". They also continued their study of Human Body. They took a closer look at 'teeth". They named the parts of a tooth, took a closer look at Human and Canine teeth and practiced brushing. The children learned through an experiment the effects that soda and water have on their teeth. They also put toothpaste on one of the eggs in the soda to prove how toothpaste protects our teeth. They were a little disappointed to find out that their parents were right about brushing their teeth.
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