Friday, March 18, 2022

Week in Action - March 18

 Ms. Kim and Ms. Naomi's class explored 'Sight' and they used a model of the eye to discuss the parts of the eye and learned some interesting facts about sight. Teachers also talked about our sense of taste. The students learned where on the tongue we taste sweet, sour and salt. They tasted sugan, salt and a lemon. It was a surprise how many children loved eating the lemon. Their Caterpillars have made their chrysalis and hopefully early next week they will have some beautiful Butterflies!!!

Ms. Sarita and Ms. Kathy's students are studying 'Plant Life'. They looked into different types of trees and compared their structure and leaves. They looked closely and examined parts of a tree and parts of a leaf. They also started looking into different types of flowers and parts of a flower. The students have planted some seeds and are observing the transformation of a 'Seed to Plant'. In Cultural study they explored the culture, food, landmarks and modern life of people in 'Dubai'. 

Their class is also patiently waiting to see the butterflies emerge out of the chrysalis soon!!

Ms. Andrea and Ms. Cristina's class continued their study of South America. They also started their study about the human body, parts of the body, human skeleton, and organs.

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